Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Poem for You - With Gratitude

When I was falling apart, not just the one time, but one of the biggest times, The Fates decided to be most kind. They sent me down a path that led me to Light, in the form of Awareness. It came in a most unusual way. I don't believe in coincidences. A series of events happened, people came into my life that I would never have expected to...

Thank you. You gave me the boost and the strength and the hope. You taught me that "can't" is not an option. Falling down once is an opportunity to get up and try again. A trap is only as good as the trapper :D When we can free ourselves from the trap - freedom awaits.


Here in the deep, dank dark of my pit
Alone again, I am in anguish
I slip, squishing on hands and knees in the slog
I feel up the familiar, filthy walls.
Find footholds from the before times
Fingers find purchase in cracks between crevices
Slowly, unsteadily
Then with a scrape of broken nails on slimy stone
I fall free, land with a thud on my back
Breath forced out
          Can’t    breathe    it     in
Trembling, I begin again.
                No air.
On my back again, sweat trickling, heart pounding, hair matted to my head
  I look       up
And in my gasping whisper “please”
I lie still, not daring to disturb
             But a sound:
Something is twisting down through the tangled roots, pushing through the wreckage above me
Letting light into my dark world.
It is a vine -
Its seeking strands reach for me, caress my face, brush my ear, coil their green life around my wrists and between my fingers
Sinuous runners envelop all of me. Flooding feelings flow through my brokenness
I wrap my own fingers around it in kind - first one hand,
Tugging, testing.
Tears, unbidden flow as the fire of healing forges connection
I take the vine by two hands - pull out of the muck.
The stem is strong.
   I feel to trust.
I find familiar toeholds
Clinging like a child to the creepers
Gingerly climb,
Tender tendrils embrace, cradle me,
Hold me firm when
      I am fatigued
The bottom of my pit almost out of sight
Light above intensifies
The roots hold fast.
I will ascend the wall.
     Reach the top.
I am no longer alone.
The vine draws me into light.

  - - October 2011

Here's a gem for you, too, from Olivia Newton-John and our dear Amy Sky. An inside look at the making of Grace and Gratitude - if you don't already have this in your collection, it is a MUST HAVE. This is from Amy Sky's video channel. I can never choose just one favorite song from this inspirational album. Enjoy ♥ and namaste:

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