Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Beware: Toxic Chemicals Strike In the Home

Talking about my children got me thinking. When they were babies, I used to go shopping for baby wash, baby lotion, and baby EVERYTHING, as far as what I slathered on them, based on how it smelled. Now I have been educated; and I am appalled at what I may have done to my own children 26 and 20 years ago, respectively.
Me at about 9 months. See where the tail on the doggie is pointed? Foreshadowing?

Pure Karlee, fresh and tiny and clean

Joshua, about 2, who knows what toxins he's already got in him?

I've gone back to the stores, and read the labels. I doubt that the formulas have changed all that much over the years. maybe they have even gotten a little less toxic by now (let's just hope so, to assuage my guilty conscience); but these products, and I won't name names - I'll let you go look at some of what you may be putting on your own children, or yourself for that matter, may be killing us quietly and slowly as the toxins build up in us.

The skin is our body's largest organ. We should pamper and love it, not poison it. That is simple logic. 
Here is a list of chemicals you DO NOT want to see on the ingredient lists of any personal care products in your home:

10 Ingredients to Avoid in Your Personal Care Products

1. Parabens – Including methyl, propyl, butyl and ethyl paraben (anything ending in paraben), these are preservatives that have been linked to hormone disruption and infertility, and may increase the risk of certain cancers.
2. Fragrances – These can contain hundreds of different chemicals that are not required to be listed on the ingredients.  So fragrance just means that there’s lots of stuff it in that you have no idea what it is, and can cause headaches, dizziness, rashes and allergic skin reactions.
3. Phthalates (DEHP, BBP, DBP, DMP, DEP) – these chemicals, that have been linked to sperm damage and infertility, they can also be hidden within the label fragrance (see above). Phthalates are banned from personal care products in Europe.
4. DMDM hydantoin – A preservative that releases formaldehyde which is linked to asthma, skin conditions, chronic fatiugue, headaches, dizziness and other respiratory problems.
5. Mineral Oil – A derivative of petroleum this coats the skin like plastic wrap and keeps the skin from being able to  breathe and absorb moisture as well as release toxins.
6. Propylene Glycol – Derived from natural gas this ingredient has been known to cause allergic reactions, hives and eczema.
7. Triclosan – An antibacterial agent
8. Sodium Lauryl/Laureth Sulfate - A detergent and foaming agent, it’s hard to find shampoo or toothpaste without SLS. Because it’s derived from coconut, some manufacturers or labels may claim that it is a natural ingredient, but it is the processing used to create SLS that makes this a toxic ingredient.  It  can cause malformation to children’s eyes, skin irritation, and is damaging to the immune system.
9. PEG’s – Polyehylene Glycol – PEG’s are used to help cleansers dissolve oil and grease and can be found in caustic oven cleaners – enough said – not something I want to be using on my skin.  They strip away natural moisture and can damage the immune system.
10. Any ingredient with “glycol” or “methyl” - There are a whole lot of other chemicals out there that should be avoided, and many of the above ingredients also have other names, so a good rule of thumb is to avoid anything with these two terms in the ingredient label.

This list is certainly not all-inclusive. Here I stand on my soapbox, while I am also very guilty of eating some of the worst things people should eat, like double triple cheeseburgers and a Diet Coke. With fries. There's someone who could read this and if she is drinking her water or juice, will spit it out in peals of derision here. Whatever. I need the calories. Regardless, I am trying to become more aware of it all and change my uneducated self into someone who makes a positive dent in the world.

If we are educated, we can at least make informed decisions. I say, YES! I speak for the skin.

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