Sunday, March 18, 2012

Embrace the Differences

Here's what I learned today: in forty years we have made computers like the Tricorders from Star Trek a reality. We have put people into space. We have made medical and scientific breakthroughs that boggle the mind. We have the WorldWideWeb and we can talk to people from anywhere, face to face on video, at will.

So many things we humans are capable of, yet we still have not mastered the art and the craft of loving each other. We are relentless in our scramble for power - who will be on top - who will beat us to that exit, who will get the best seat, who will get the last cookie? Which kid on the playground will be chosen first, last - or not at all?

Here in our little town of Logan, where there is "no crime" - we can literally leave our doors unlocked at night and not worry too much - we are still plagued by the age old spectre of bullying. Just like any town, anywhere, kids get picked on for being different.

I love this song by Sara Hickman. It's all about how we are all the same, and we all deserve to be loved. Watch, enjoy, and be edified :D

Buy the song on iTunes or on or if you can find it, the album of the same name in your local music store.

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