Monday, March 19, 2012

A Labor of Love

How could I have known that this boy, now a man, would use all the natural talent and heart he displayed as a child to make art his life's work? I should have known. All the signs were there: he loved to dress in costume, play with accents, put on shows, and as he got older, he did become more involved in drama. Of course, I was always secretly hoping he would go for it...but he would say, "Nope, I'm majoring in Chemistry."

Well. Good sense and talent won over.

My son is an actor, and this is his art and his passion. I find myself in awe. I hear about his day. Get up at 4:00 or 5:00 AM. Go to the gym. Go to classes, go to various rehearsals, show up at work when required, almost never a break between. Then at night, after a few minutes to eat something somewhere, go perform until late at night. Go home, do homework, see if there is time for sleep, wake up, and start again. Somewhere in the middle of all this, he finds time to meet with friends, run the Rex Lee 10K with his best friend, Bergen, and chat up his mother.

Bergen and Joshua festive and triumphant

Right now, he is performing in Love's Labors Lost at BYU, directed by Stephanie Breinholt - and serendipitously, Bergen Goesch is an assistant director on this project. He is doing more than one Mask Club this semester, and who knows how many scenes he is rehearsing for for other things. He shoots scenes for short films. He works scenes for friends.
Joshua and Magarin Hobson in character for Love's labors Lost
Official Site of the Love's Labors Lost Show - Tickets, Info, etc  Click for more information☺

When we get the chance to talk about things, really talk - I realize that he is now probably more aware - in touch with his inner self - than I am. He has complex ideas and is able to master his emotions and his body. I haven't the discipline to go to the gym and work out 3-4 days a week. My old, aching hip would probably break. Maybe that's just an excuse.

I'm so happy and proud that he is pursuing the career of his dream, his love. This is the lesson. Find your passion! Live it. Be who you are born to be, and find joy in your creation.

Watch for more about Joshua in posts to come.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow..."find your passion - live it" I am longing for that what I did not know I never had...or did I already live my passion all along but did not realize it was one...I am a bit confused now by the any case this is a wonderful proclamation of love from a mother in awe of her son...and I thank you for sharing your heart with us.

    Always, Kris
