Monday, March 12, 2012

Choose to Learn From the Past But Live In the NOW

Oh, to have the ability to go back in time. If I had my own Tardis, like the formidable and tender Dr. Who; what would I do? Would I go back and change the world, or go back and make new decisions? Or would I just impart myself with the knowledge and experiences I have gained over the years, give my young self a healthy shake, and say, WAKE UP!

To be aware, all the time - to be present - this is what I would advise myself.

I think that so often we lose sight of what's important. Sometimes we think we know it all. It's hard to believe that someone else may have answers for questions we haven't even yet thought to ask. I will be talking about subjects here that are near and dear to me - some may be heavy, some not so much.

I am a mom, I am a daughter, a sister, a woman. I am a citizen. I am a consumer. I live and breathe on this planet we call Earth. I want this planet to continue on. I want the world to become a safe place for my children, and my children's children, should they decide to bring any into the world. I want to be sure that they know that there are choices available. Choices we can each make that will affect the world in a positive way.

I want to help shed  light on important issues, and lighten the load of those who carry heavy burdens.

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